Sunday 12 October 2014


Sorry this has been late coming. The past few weeks have been a bit busy – uni's starting, Fresher's Week, fighting Fresher's Flu and generally getting my shizzle together! I'm hopefully going to try and have a post every week as opposed to every few days because of time. But check this space out weekly!

Apologies aside, time for a Monthly Favourites! I have got a camera now, but I'm still trying to get it right, so hopefully videos soon?

Favourite Make-Up Product:

FlatOut Fabulous by MAC
As you guys would know from my 'Mid-Month Favourites' and 'Lipstick Love' posts, that I may have a thing for matte lipsticks. There's something so sleek and sophisticated about them! This was a birthday present purchased by my boyfriends a few months ago to start adding to my MAC lipstick collections, and recently, I've been turning to this lipstick a lot more. It's popping, and colour, a great colour to experiment with on 'nights out', especially during the wild and crazy fresher's week! I also wore it on an 80's themed sports social, which worked a charm to get create that vibe. It's a great shade that suits me and that staying power is incredible! I sometimes go to bed after going out without taking my make up off, wake up in the morning and it is still pristine! There are still remnants after I've scrubbed my face with make up remover. Perfection.

Favourite 'Beauty' Product:

Does this count as a beauty product? I'm going to say yes, because of the SPF? Haha. Confusions aside, this product has been my essential over the past few weeks as a base for my make up. It matches my skin quite well, and combined with my Beauty Blender Sponge from Primark, and a quick spritz of Eau Roma Water from Lush on my face, it works a charm. It's easy to apply, quick to use, and when my face needs a quick boost, it's a nice alternative to my foundation I use! It will be a sad day when it runs out.

Favourite Item of Clothing:

Please ignore the mess in my room. Please?

Primark Lace Kimono
As stated before, Fresher's Week as a thing for me, even though I'm a third year now. But how can I say no to a week long party! I have gone out a few times, but it's difficult sometimes to judge what to wear because British weather is always dodgy. So I've been turning to this cheeky number to 'cover' up for the nights out. It's quite nice to dress up and down, and sometimes, I do wear it during the day as an alternative to a thick cardigan if it is still quite warm, but not warm enough to go without anything to cover my shoulders. My Mum wasn't a fan of this, saying that it looked like lingere, but I love it. It adds a sophistication to outfits, and is a nice transitional piece from day to night, from autumn to winter. Love.

Favourite Food/Drink:

Kellogg's Froster Strawberry Flavoured Pop-Tarts
I'm going old school here. This used to be a cheeky breakfast treat as a child, but I find myself really craving this recently. It was on special at Tesco and couldn't help myself! They're a nice snack every now and then, and a nice 'pick-me-up' in the middle of the day. Just a cheeky indulgent buy I've been loving really. Here's hoping after I finish the current pack my craving stops, even though I do love sugar. Hehe.

Favourite Song:

This has been a difficult choice, and have chosen to narrow it down to three songs at the minute!

1. Wanklemut – My Head Is A Jungle
I think this is just a song that is getting me back into my partying mood. Such a dance anthem for me, whilst also being quite relaxing from when I'm just chilling around. The voice, the piano, and steady beat, it all just works for me.

2. Sia – Chandellier

Sia's vocals are out of this world! They are so good and recently, I've just been obssessed with this song. I would hear it on the radio, and just think this is a great song, but when I stumbled onto the music video channel surfing, I was hooked. It reminded me of my old dancing days which I missed, was so creative and captivating – I just love it. It a dance tune, with such emotion to it! I honestly can't get enough of it!

3. Calvin Harris – Blame
More recent of the three songs, I literally heard this today, and haven't stopped playing replay on my Spotify. It's addictive, it's something I can groove to on the dance floor, with Calvin Harris beats I just can't get enough of. I'm really loving 'dance songs' that don't sound so generic and like everything else, and whilst this one, out of the three, does slip into that sound just a bit, there is a fine line, and this one is above it!

Favourite TV Show:

America's Next Top Model (Season 21)
I am a massive ANTM fan! I've seen every single episode since day one, and I am loving this season as of current. It's not as gimicky as season 20, but still has fantastic drama that keeps me hooked. Obviously, it doesn't have quite the class of older seasons (Andre Leon Tally, come back?) but it's getting better and is one of the best cycles I've seen in a while. I especially love the 'No Bullsh*t' attitude Tyra has this season, taking nonsense from no one and teaching good life lessons not only the models can take but that the world can. Men can dress in heels, and labels should not define someone, and you should never give up! And the return of Miss Jay!! This is seriously doing it for me right now!

Peace Out!
Thulani x