Saturday 13 September 2014

C A R N I V A L ! !

When I was in London a few weeks ago, I wanted to experience so much in a short space of time to soak up my city before leaving for a few months. So of course I had to go to Notting Hill Carnival!! Described as one of the biggest street parties in Europe, it was the first time I had been in years!! My Dad used to take me and my younger brother to the 'Children's Carnival' on the Sunday. And I had a good time then. It was a nice day out, filled with music, embarrassing dancing from my Dad, and good food, except I hadn't quite understood what it was all about then. As I got older, I suppose I grew out of my Dad taking me there. Girls from my school went, boasting about the antics they got up to, and I wasn't sure if I was up for being in the crowd, or if I wanted to brave it. Every year, after carnival, the horror stories of muggings, stabbings and all sorts would be heard in the news. Why would I want to go to that?

However, this year, I decided, it was time I manned up. I was only in London for two weeks, so why not make the most of it! Besides, my boyfriend is really into that kind of music, so I thought it would be a good way for him to experience all that jazz and have a good day out. So we went, accompanied by my bestie, Cloe! (Check out her YouTube channel at CloeBob! She be awesome). We braved the Monday.

It rained. A lot. From the start of the day. I had just bought Nike Air Thea's that I wasn't willing to get wrecked in the weather, so my girl and I went shopping and got Chelsea Boots that looked like Vagabonds but were from Primark and £15!! BARGAIN! Before braving the tube with the boyfriend to head towards Notting Hill. You could already feel the atmosphere en route. A group of teenagers drinking on the tube, singing loud and being rowdy whilst we sat in our ponchos not quite knowing how to act, but we knew what to expect. That group of girls, but in the masses. And we were greeted by it when we got off the tube. The Black Afro-Caribbean's had come out to the rain to party of the streets of London!!!

Josh (the boyfriend) chilling with a Carnival Gal!

Cloe and Josh and lots and lots of people

It was an amazing day. We drank, we danced, we walked (for hours), we chuckled at police officers standing watching the madness unfold before them, but not do anything, pictures were taken with half naked women, and the weather did not deter us. But for me, and probably Cloe, the icing on the cake may have been coming off the tube and meeting Youtuber and Blogger Patricia Bright!! Cloe spotted her with her amazing eagle eyes, we squealed like little girls, and spoke to her for a bit before venturing off to carnival with our spirits lifted and heads held high. (We're in her vlog for the day so go and check her out too!!)

Me, Patricia Bright and Cloe

I would love to go again next year (even though it's the same weekend as the Reading Festival which is more my thing, but we'll see), and take it by storm with knowing how to deal with Carnival. I would wear a primer on my face, not go on the day scheduled to rain, I would listen to some Afro-Caribbean beats to get hyped up, not wear a poncho, look hot and get some jerk chicken – that would be a must.

We are Fierce!!!!

Peace Out!
Thulani x

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